Rage Kombat

The newest and most exciting fight league in the World!

Rage Kombat has launched with big aims and some exciting ideas. Founder Mark Wilson Smith talks about his huge plans for this new promotion.

“Creating RAGE KOMBAT was something I had thought about for a while. I come from a boxing background, but I have always had an interest in all disciplines of martial arts – so If I enjoy watching multiple combat sports then I am sure a lot of other people do too! Therefore, combing many of these on the same event was a logical decision to make! But it goes far beyond that. I want to present very old and traditional martial arts in a more modern setting – let’s move away from small, school halls and stage these events in large arenas with great special effects and atmosphere. It really will bring certain martial arts to a totally new audience.”

Our goal is simple: To disrupt the current establishment by bringing exciting ideas, exciting fights, and big name talent from the very beginning.

Mark Wilson Smith / Founder

“Our first event will be taking place in Malta, a country that I have strong ties to. It is a country with a passion for combat sports – every month there is a boxing, kickboxing, or MMA event. They have the fighters, the gyms, the right set-up, and importantly dedicated fans!”

  • Atmospheric arenas with pyrotechnics, lights, cameras, and live music.
  • Bouts take place within a boxing ring.
  • Traditional bouts; Fusion Fights; Greco-Roman Combat and more.
Christian Schembri

“We are already collaborating with key people to ensure we have the best possible event, including Marc James, who is the president of the Malta Boxing Association; and Christian Schembri, Malta’s leading boxer and a fan favourite.

“For the first show, I would like a big a mix as possible of different styles: Boxing, Muay Thai, Kung-Fu, Savate etc. as well as Rage’s innovative Fusion Fights and Greco-Roman Combat bouts.

“Going forward, we will be looking to stage events in different countries around the globe, while attracting well known professional fighters and celebrities looking to get involved. Currently, we are in talks with a few big names for our second show, but I won’t reveal any names until the contracts have been signed!”

“It’s going to be an exciting and fun venture. At heart I am a fight fan too, so I will be ensuring that Rage Kombat gives the fans a promotion that will enjoy following.  Essentially, exciting fights featuring emerging talent and some big names, plus a few innovative ideas!”


Rage Kombat is brought to you by a team with over 15 years experience in the fight game. Feel the Rage!

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